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Sasria’s core business is the provision of short-term insurance for riots, strikes, terrorism, civil commotion and public disorder to businesses and individuals.

Sasria offers R500 million cover on all classes of business at set rates. Additional cover of R1 billion is available on request.

The construction all-risk cover is available on building contracts risks, civil contract risks, contract works, contractors’ all risks, demolition all risks, erection all risks, works damage, plant all risk and plant hire.

For more information, visit the Sasria Website.


Arranging construction insurance is not a do-it-yourself activity and, if dealt with
improperly, claims could be rejected. The insurance must be carefully considered to include and list all identified risks including the location of the works, the type
of structure, the method of construction and where existing structures or other site conditions may be at risk. Sasria cover is known as Supplementary
Insurance and is not available to the public. It needs to be arranged by an experienced broker like us who takes the time to understand the insurance needs of each specific project.
Dan Payton, CivilSure CEO


How Do I Lodge a Claim with Sasria?

In order to claim through SASRIA, the incident must be reported as soon as possible to the South African Police. You must then inform us about the claim and we’ll send the details to SASRIA on your behalf. If the claim is approved by SASRIA, they’ll send us the payment and we’ll ensure the payment is made to you.

Does SASRIA Insurance Cover Business Interruption?

For commercial clients, SASRIA cover in terms of Business Interruption is limited to fixed expenses or standing charges and net profit, but not for the traditional contingent business interruption covers such as losses following damage to premises of customers and suppliers, and to the supply of public utilities like water and electricity.

How Much is the Excess on a SASRIA Contract Works Claim?

For loss or damage to contract works and materials, the excess or first amount payable is calculated
as 0,1% of the value of the specific contract for which a claim is made. The following minimum and
maximum amounts apply:

Minimum excess (first amount payable)
• R250 (Domestic risks)
• R2 500 (All other risks)

Maximum excess (first amount payable)
• R25 000

For loss or damage to a construction plant, the excess is R1 000 for each loss or damage arising from
any one insured event.

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