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Are your sites ready for shut down?

Contractors Liability & Sabotage by Disgruntled Employees | CivilSure

Does the Contractors Liability on the Contractors All Risk Policy cover damages to a structure that has been caused by a disgruntled employee’s premeditated intention to sabotage the structure?

No, this would be deemed “Defective Workmanship” which is an exclusion for Contractors Liability on the Contractors All Risk Policy, however the consequential loss and damage that would result in the above mentioned scenario would be covered through the Contracts All Risk Policy (Contractors Liability). In other words, the loss or damage the falling or broken structure has caused to any third party would be covered but not the cost to rebuild this structure.


Should this have been as a result of Civil Commotion or a Riot this would have been covered by SASRIA.

The Defective Workmanship can be accommodated by a product known as the “Design and Construct Professional Indemnity”,

however; it would be difficult to prove the above scenario was due to the disgruntled employee’s pre-meditated intentions to sabotage and the cost that would be incurred trying to prove this would most likely outweigh the cost to replace the structure from your own expenses. It might also fall on you, as you would have to have certain protocol in place to ensure that the employees are managed and should there be any disgruntled employees, the risk of them sabotaging anything should be addressed beforehand by preventative steps.

To read more about Design and Construct Professional Indemnity Insurance, click here.



Does a Construction All Risk Policy cover damage to surrounding property?

Yes, damage to surrounding property is covered by a construction all risk policy, provided it’s included as an add-on to the Contract Works cover. This means an extra premium would be charged to get the specified surrounding property covered.

Help! What construction insurance do I need?

Understandably this can be a challenge as there is a myriad of cover available in the construction insurance landscape.

Let’s quickly unpack 5 Construction Insurance options for you.

Don’t drop the wrecking ball now

As a responsible construction company owner, you know the importance of insuring your plant and making sure that your other necessary policies are in place with CivilSure. But did you know that the number of instances of – and the size of – liability claims litigation is higher than ever, and climbing?

Three ways to insure your plant

Civilsure understands the importance and necessity of comprehensive plant insurance at a reasonable rate. We also know that you expect impeccable service and attention to detail at claims stage. That is why we are committed to helping you choose the correct plant all risk (PAR) for your business needs.

Special project delay insurance for special risks

You know that there are many risks associated with running a construction company. After civil unrest wreaked havoc in South Africa in June and July this year, you may be asking yourself: “What would happen if we should have to temporarily close our construction sites because of civil commotion, public disorder, rioting, looting, labour disturbances, strikes, a lockout – or even an act of terrorism?”

Are you ready for the summer shut down?

As a responsible construction company owner, you know the importance of insuring your plant and making sure that your other necessary policies are in place with CivilSure. But did you know that the number of instances of – and the size of – liability claims litigation is higher than ever, and climbing?

What is the Defects Liability Period?

The Defects Liability Period starts when the Certificate of Completion is issued and continues for the period agreed to in the Contract. During the Defects Liability Period, the Contractor has to obey all written instructions from the Engineer to carry out repairs and fix any defects which appear in the Permanent Works, so that, at the end of the Defects Liability Period, the Permanent Works are in the condition required by the Contract.

Are your sites ready for shut down?

Now it the time to safeguard your site/s. As we approach the year-end festivities, it’s time to pause and prepare for potential risks that might impact both personal and professional environments. This information primarily targets contractors but holds significant...

Build a foundation against liability claims litigation with construction liability cover

As a responsible construction company owner, you know the importance of insuring your plant and making sure that your other necessary policies are in place with CivilSure. But did you know that the number of instances of – and the size of – liability claims litigation is higher than ever, and climbing?

What is Plant All Risk Insurance?

Your onsite machinery (plant) is vulnerable to a number of problems such as breakdowns, vandalism and theft. Missing a project deadline can be bad news for your bottom line as well as your reputation. Plant All Risk Insurance covers you for loss of, or damage to, construction plant and equipment whilst in storage, transit, on the contract site or being use as a tool of trade.

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